NotiBox’s GitHub Package for Laravel: Simplifying Real-Time Notifications

The concept behind NotiBox originated from a classic “scratch your own itch” scenario. I work in the field of lead generation, and we recently introduced a new product with a focus on call generation. This expansion broadens our scope from merely dealing with clicks to now encompassing calls.

For those who are curious, we manage a network of websites that we own and operate. Additionally, we collaborate with media buyers who purchase traffic for these sites. Users follow a specific flow tailored to the industry each site targets, ultimately leading them to a wall of advertisements. Typically, a user needs to click on one of these ads for compensation to occur, and for the user to progress to the next stage of our partner’s website flow.

With our innovative solution, the advertisements displayed to users include uniquely traceable phone numbers. Once a user initiates a call, our system can monitor it. A call is considered converted after a certain duration that the user remains on the call. At this point, we are also capable of tracking this conversion within our systems.

When launching something new like this, it is crucial to monitor its performance in real-time. I have various tools in place for this purpose, but I also want to receive notifications when a call commences and when it converts. This is where the latest NotiBox update becomes invaluable.

Last week, I introduced the first-party package that can be seamlessly integrated into a Laravel application. Laravel serves as the web programming framework for all our backend systems. With this new package, I can easily send notifications to the NotiBox API at significant stages of the conversion process, and my NotiBox at home will promptly relay these updates.

The package is readily available on GitHub and can be implemented with just one line of code. You can continue managing your channels and devices through the NotiBox portal as you did previously.

This serves as just one real-world example of how NotiBox can seamlessly integrate into your workflow and keep you informed about critical actions within your existing applications.

Stay tuned for more updates in the near future!




